Xiaoxue's reading and review

Item Analysis by the Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model

Item Analysis by the Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model


Item Analysis by the Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model

 Author(s): Akihito Kamata

 Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol. 38, No. 1 (Spring, 2001)

This paper provides an example of an explicit alternative formulation of a multilevel item response model, both as a two-level model and, as an extension, a three-level model.

HGLM is an extension of the generalized linear model (GLM) (McCullagh & Nelder, 1989) to hierarchical data that enables HLM to deal with models having non-normal errors.

Four perspectives on multilevel formulation of IRT models are represented as background information

l  This first perspective is characterized by the treatment of person ability parameters as random parameters in an IRT model, a treatment originally intended to facilitate MMLE item parameter estimation.

l  A second perspective on multilevel formulation of IRT models is represented by the multiple-group IRT model, which assumes individuals are grouped by a common characteristic, such as ethnic group or school attended.

l  The third perspective is the decomposition of an item parameter into more than one parameter in IRT modeling.

l  The fourth perspective on multilevel formulation of IRT models relates to attempts to investigate rater effects in rating scales, such as performance assessments.

l  First, the two-level item analysis model is formulated and shown to be algebraically equivalent to the Rasch model.


The two-level item analysis model is formulated following the GLM framework

Level-1 is the item-model

The linear predictor model of a sampling distribution of item responses is considered to be the level-1 model.

log(pij/(1- pij))= hij=b0j+b1j X1ij + b2j X2ij +…+bkj Xkij

= b0j+

Pij: the probability that j gets item i correct

i: item (1,…, k )

j: person (1,…, n )

q: dummy variable q=1 when q=i or q=0

b0j : intercept

bqj: coefficient associated with Xqij


Level-2 is the person-model, in which b0j is assumed to be a random effect across persons.

b0j=g00 +m0j


b (k-1)j=g(k-1)0

m0j: random component of b0j

when level-l and level-2 models are combined, the linear predictor model is as follows:

When i=q, the equation is algebraically equivalent to Rasch Model.

l  Next, a two-level item analysis model with person-characteristic variables is presented, offering a means of analyzing the effects of the person variables alone. Level-1 is the same, while a predictor variable is added in level-2.

b0j=g00 +g01W1j +…+ g0pWpj+ m0j*


b (k-1)j=g(k-1)0

Wsj are person-level predictor measures for predictor s and person j.

l  Lastly, a three-level item analysis is presented that can provide estimates of group-level abilities as well as person-level abilities, quantify the variation of person-characteristic variable effects across groups, and reveal any interaction effect between a group-characteristic variable and a person-characteristic variable.

For example, a new level that represents school is added to the model.

   Level-1——item-level model

i=1, .. , k-1

j=1, .. ,n

m=1, .. ,r

  : the qth dummy variable for the ith item for person j in school m

: the effect of the reference item

: the effect of the qth item compared to the reference item

The level-2 models for the  parameters assumed to be constant across people are person-level models.


