Can fastand slow intelligence be differentiated?
IvailoPartchev , Paul De Boeck
Thepaper mainly focuses on two questions: whether there are differences betweenthe processing of fast response and slow response? Are the underlying abilities different? Usingthe item difficulties from IRT to infer the qualitative differences inprocessing, a qualitative difference in ability is inferred from the personlatent traits.
Thestudy define a fast response is a response that belongs to the fastest half ofresponses of the person in question or response that belongs to the fastesthalf of responses to the item.
Theresults show the processes involved in fast and slow responses can bedifferentiated as well as the abilities, fast responses allow for a betterdifferentiation between the items and respondents.
Thepaper believed a qualitative difference in process/ability can be inferred fromthe relationship between the two item difficulties/ latent traits. I do notunderstand what qualitative difference is.
Whetherthe mixture IRT can help classification ?