69 Item Pocket Method to Allow Response Review and Change in Computerized Adaptive Testing (Present by Chen-Wei on 24June 2013)

Xue-Lan's review

Xue-Lan's review

by QIU Xuelan -
Number of replies: 0

1. For the results of 'use of the IP system result in positively biased scores for lower proficiency examinees', the explanation was not convincing. The author argued that the load of excessive appling IP is significant, thus the strategy of TTS2 was not realistic. My question is: if the TTS2 was unrealistic, will the IP system still be appealing?

2. The author tried to make clear that IP method is not a strategy for test takers to improve their scores, as Wainer's, or Kingsbury strategy. Thus, it is assumed that the examinees are a 'legitimate use of the IPR system' (pp. 265). This assumption is too ideal and the resutls, on the contrary, showed it is invalid.

3. The items in the IP systems were supposed to have the same probability of answering correctly when it is retrived out again. Recalling that speededness papaer we discussed before, maybe a lower probability of answering the items correctly should be considered.

4. I'm curious that why no difference was found between the no exposure control condition and SH method condition?