This article extends a model-based approach for the measurement and control of extreme response style (ERS) to the analysis of rating data from multiple scales. The correlation between the latent traits is exist and is considered in this extension approach. The simulation results shown that the estimates of ERS can be improved quite substantially through multiple scales and furthermore the estimates of latent traits also be improved.
Comments & Questions
1. The specifications of this study were limited because some of them were fixed to identical to the real data analysis, for example, the simulated response data; so there are many limitations in this study. But in practice, there are other kinds of extreme response style exist and they should be considered and evaluated the performance of this new approach in these conditions.
2. How to determine the ERS, that means what pattern or percentage of choice extreme categories will determined as ERS?
3. The use of ERS is represented as continuous in this study; it means that it can be represented as discrete form. How to use of ERS represented as a discrete form in the future?