This study introduced a cognitive-miser response model to separate two response processes to answer the reasoning vignettes. The cognitive process is assumed to have two stage, first one is the inhibit action to determine whether intuitive or deliberate response be used to solve the question, second is the deliberate processing to answer the question. Response time was recorded to represent the process. Data analysis and model comparison provided support the two stages CMR model.
1. Response time was used to distinguish different problem solving process, if one person was recorded as fast and correct response, how to explain his/her process using this CMR model?
2. Only 1 out of 5 items used in this study was multiple-choice item. If all items are MC items, process for a correct or incorrect response would become more complex. One could luckily select a correct option in a very short time, or come up with an incorrect answer that is the same as intuitive-process with efforts. In these cases, response time may not be the appropriate criterion to separate the processes. Does the CMR model still work for these situations?