38 Dimensionality of the latent structure and item selection via latent class multidimensional IRT models (Present by Wayne)

Connie's review

Connie's review

by HSU Chia Ling -
Number of replies: 0

The aim of this study is that investigating the dimensionality of latent structure and discriminating power of the items based on the questionnaire of Italian nursing homes on health care services for older people. Four steps were included for analysis, first, selection of the number of latent classes under LC model. Second, validation of the multidimensional 2PL model by compared the LC model under the same latent classes. Third, assessment of the number of dimensions. Fourth, reduction of the number of items.

Comments & Questions:

1. It is lack of a simulation study for comparison because this study is directly used in an empirical study analysis. The simulation study can be conducted and the other empirical data can be used to compare in the future.

2. The number of latent classes and dimensions were obtained from two stages, the measurement error maybe ignored. The mixture 2PL model can be used to obtain the number of latent classes and dimensions in one stage, and the discrimination index also can used for item selection based on the discrimination parameters. The results from the proposed method in this study and the mixture 2PL model can be investigated in the future.