96 Measuring response styles across the Big Five: A multiscale extension of an approch using multinomial processing trees present by Hui-Fang

The decomposition strategy in modeling is hot, we should keep up with it!

The decomposition strategy in modeling is hot, we should keep up with it!

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1. Still confused about table 3. Does it mean all the P(theta)s for ERS factor and MRS factor in figure 1 were ignored and replaced by theta?

2. The model in Figure 1 is somewhat like random-threshold model we proposed before. The difference is that their model is structurized and of clear paths. The number of parameters of their model is less one than ours, because the distance from midpoint to either right extreme or left extreme is assumed identical. Maybe we can relaxed this assumption.

3. Although I come across this response style issue for many times, I did not pay much attention to it before. Now, it seems a lot of interesting work we can get started on it.