40 Data-Driven Learning of Q-Matrix (Present by Connie)



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This study proposed a new method to find out the appropriate Q-matrix. A flexible T-matrix would be constructed and the information from the response data can be well used. The Q-matrix is estimated by minimizing the objective function, which minimizing the distance between model and the observed information. This method is interesting but not easy for me to understand.

1. When using other models, like DINO or NIDO, whether the construction of Q-matrix would be affected? If so, whether the model-data fit should be assessed before choosing a model?

2. What is the maximum number of missing items in the Q-matrix?

3. Given the exploratory nature of this method, it is possible that a Q-matrix is defined, but it could not be interpreted. How to deal with this situation?

4. In equation (14), both the T and p are estimated, whether the estimations of these two would be confounded?

5 If compare with the Bayesian method, what is the advantage of the proposed method in this study?