01 Rasch Guessing(Present by Jacob) |
Please post your review here. |
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02 Measurement Invariance (present by Sherry) |
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03 MIMIC model for nonuniform DIF(Present by Xiaoxue) |
Please post your review here. |
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04 Spurious Latent Classes(Present by Kuan-Yu) |
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05 Estimation subdimensions (present by Joseph) |
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06 DIF-Free-Then-DIF strategy (Present by Xuelan) |
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07 New Stopping Rule for CAT (Present by Sandy) |
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08 Restrictive Stochastic item selection methods in CD-CAT (present by Connie) |
Please post your review here. |
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09 IRT for force choice items (present by Chenwei) |
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10 Attibute misspcification in the rule space method (Present by Nicky) |
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11 Algorithm for testing unidimensionality (Present by Jacob) |
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12 Performance of multilevel growth curve models (Present by Sherry) |
Please post your review here. |
11 |
13 Robust estimation of latent abiltiy in IRT (Present by Xiaoxue) |
Please post your review here. |
11 |
14 Effect of ignore class-level variance (Present by Wayne) |
Please post your review here. |
9 |
15 Comparision of reliability under FA and IRT (Present by Jensen) |
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11 |
16 Psychological Distance between categories (Present by Kuan Yu) |
Please post your review here. |
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Book: An introduction to the logic of Psychological Measurement |
Please find the attached Scaning file. |
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17 Dimensionality assessment of ordered polytomous items with parallel analysis (Present by Chenwei) |
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18 Item selection in multidimensional computerized adaptive testing (Present by Nicky) |
Please post you review here. |
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19 Multiscale Measurement of Extreme Response Style (Present by Jacob) |
Please post your review here! |
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20 Variable-length CAT (present by Connie) |
Please post your review here. |
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21 Selecting the best unbalanced repeated measures model (present by Sherry) |
Please post your comment here. |
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22 Cognitive-miser response model (Present by Sandy) |
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23 Explanatory Secondary Dimension Modeling of Latent DIF (Present by Xuelan) |
Please post your review here. |
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24 Multilevel testlet model for dual local dependence (present by Xiaoxue) |
Please post your review here. |
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25 Examining Rounding Rules in Angoff-Type Standard-Setting Methods (Present by Wayne) |
Please post your review here. |
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26 Nonlinear Growth Curves in Developmental Research (Present by Hui-Fang) |
Please post your review here. |
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27 Hierarchical Rater Model (Present by Kuan-Yu) |
Please post your review here. |
11 |
28 Can subject matter experts' ratings of statement extremity be used to streamline the development of unidimensional pairwise preference scales? (Present by Wayne) |
Please post your review here. |
9 |
29 A comparison fo methods for estimating confidence intervals for Omega-Squared effect size (present by Nicky) |
please post your review here. |
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30 MCAT (present by Chen-Wei) |
Please post your review here. |
10 |
31 Calibration of response data using MIRT models with simple and mixed structure (Present by Jacob) |
Please post your review here |
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32 a hierarchical framework for modeling speed and accuracy on test items (Present by Xuelan) |
Please post your review here. |
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33 The impact of missing data on the detection of nonuniform DIF (Present by Sandy) |
Please post your review here. |
9 |
A mixture Rasch model-based computerized adaptive test for latent class identification (Present by Connie) |
Please post your review here. |
9 |
35 Characterizing sources of uncertainty in item response theory scale scores (Present by Sherry) |
Please post you comments here. |
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36 Exploring the Full-Information Bifactor Model in Vertical Scaling With Construct Shift (Present by Snow) |
Please post your review here. |
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37 Effects of vertical scaling methods on linear growth estimation |
please post your review here |
7 |
38 Dimensionality of the latent structure and item selection via latent class multidimensional IRT models (Present by Wayne) |
Please post your review here. |
8 |
38 Recognizing uncertainty in the Q-matrix via a Bayesian extension of the DINA model (Present by Nicky) |
Please post your review here |
9 |
39 Item Response Modeling of Presence-Severity Items: Application to Measurement of Patient-Reported Outcomes (Present by Sandy) |
Please post your review here. |
9 |
40 Data-Driven Learning of Q-Matrix (Present by Connie) |
Please post your review here. |
7 |
41 How much power and speed is measured in this test (Present by Kuan-Yu) |
Please post your review here |
6 |
42 Modeling Achievement Trajectories When Attrition Is Informative (Present by Xue-Lan) |
Please post your review here. |
6 |
43 Modeling Answer changes on test items (present by Chen Wei) |
Please post your review here. |
5 |
44 How should we assess the fit of Rasch-type models? (Present by Jacob) |
Please post your review here. |
7 |
45 Adaptive testing with multidimensional pairwise preference items (Present by Wayne) |
Please post your review here. |
5 |
46 Using logistic approximations of marginal trace lines to develop short assessment (Present by Hui-Fang) |
Please post your review here. |
5 |
47 Latent Class Modeling with Covariates (Present by Sherry) |
Please post your review here. |
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48 Multidimensionality and Structural Coefficient Bias in Structural Equation Modeling (Present by Snow) |
Please post your review here. |
4 |
49 A nonparametric approach to cognitive diagnosis proximity to ideal response patterns (Presey by Nicky) |
Please post your review here. |
6 |
50 The Stability of Individual Response Styles (Present by Kuan-Yu) |
Please post your review here. |
4 |
51 Deriving stopping rules for MCAT (present by Chen Wei) |
Please post your review here. |
3 |
52 Detecting intervention effects using a multilevel latent transition analysis with a mixture IRT model (Present by Xue-Lan) |
Please post your review here. |
6 |
53 Effects of multiple testing adjustment in DIF detection (Present by Jacob) |
Please post your review here. |
5 |
54 Measurement Bias Detection Through Factor Analysis (Present by Sherry) |
Please post your review here. |
6 |
55 Testing factorial invariance in multilevel data: A mote carlo study (Present by Hui-Fang on 04Mar2013)) |
Please post your review here. |
5 |
56 Two approaches to estimation of classification accuracy rate under IRT (Present by Snow on 11Mar2013) |
Please post your review here. Lathrop, Q. N. & Cheng, Y. (2013). Two approaches to estimation of classification accuracy rate under item response theory. Applied Psychologcial Measurement, XX(X), 1-16. |
6 |
57 Optimal Test Design with rule-based item generation (Present by Wayne on 18Mar2013)) |
Please post your review here. Geerlings, H., van der Linden, W. J. & Glas, C. A. W. (2012). Optimal test design with rule-based item generation. Applied Psychological Measurement, 37, 140-161. |
6 |
58 A multicompnent latent trait model for diagnosis (Present by Nicky on 25 March2013) |
Please post your review here. Embretson, S. E. & Yang, X. (2012). A multicomponent latent trait model for diagnosis. Psychometrika, XX (X), XXX-XXX. |
5 |
59 Can fast and slow intelligence be differentiated? (Present by Kuan Yu on 08 April 2013) |
Please post your review here. Partchev, I. & De Boeck, P. (2012). Can fast and slow intelligence be differentiated? Intelligence, 40, 23-32. |
5 |
60 A Procedure for Dimensionality Analyses of Response Data from Various Test Designs (Present by Chen-Wei on 15 Apri2013) |
Zhang, J. (2013). A procedure for dimensionality analyses of response data from various test designs. Psychometrika, 78, 37-58. |
5 |
61 Multidimensional adaptive testing with optimal design criteria for item selection (Present by Xue-Lan on 22Apri2013) |
Mulder, J. & Van Der Linden, W. J. (2009). Multidimensional adaptive testing with optimal design criteria for item selection. Psychometrika, 2, 273-296. |
4 |
62 Comparing optimization algorithms for item selection in mokken scale analysis (Present by Jacob on 06May2013) |
Straat, J. H. (2013). Comparing optimization algorithms for item selection in mokken scale analysis. Journal of classification, 30, 75-99. |
2 |
63 Assessment of Reliability Under Range Restriction (Present by Sherry on 13May2013) |
Fife, D. A., Mendoza, J. L., & Terry, R. (2012). The assessment of reliability under range restriction: A comparison of a, w, and test-retest reliability for dichotomous data. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 72: 862-888. |
3 |
64 A comparison of exposure control procedure in CATs using the 3PL model (Present by Hui-Fang on 20May2013) |
Leroux, A. J., Lopez, M., Hembry, I. & Dodd, B. G. (2013). A comparison of exposure control procedure in CATs using the 3PL model, Educational and Psychological Measurement, XX(X), 1-18. |
4 |
65 Using the Many-Faceted Rasch Model to Evaluate Standard Setting Judgments (Present by Snow on 27May 2013) |
Kaliski, P. K., Wind, S. A., Engelhard, G., Morgan, D. L., Plake, B. S., & Reshetar, R. A. (2012). Using the many-facets Rasch model to evaluate standard setting judgments: An illustration with the advanced placement environmental science exam. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73, ... |
6 |
66 A speeded item response model: Leave the harder till later (Present by Wayne on 3June 2013) |
Chang, Y.-W, Tsai, R.-C., & Hsu, N.-J. (2013). A speeded item response model: Leave the harder till later. Psychometrika, X, XX-XX. |
3 |
67 The random-effect DINA model (Present by Nicky on 10June 2013) |
Please post your review here. |
2 |
69 Item Pocket Method to Allow Response Review and Change in Computerized Adaptive Testing (Present by Chen-Wei on 24June 2013) |
Han, K. T. (2013). Item pocket method to allow response review and change in computerized adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 37, 259-275. |
3 |
70 Using deterministic, gated item response theory model to detect test cheating due to item compromise (Present by Xue-Lan on 15 July) |
Shu Z., Henson, R., & Luecht, R. (2013). Using deterministic, gated item response theory model to detect test cheating due to item compromise. Psychometrika, 78, 481-497. |
2 |
71 Combining item response theory and diagnostic classification models (Present by Jacob on 12 August2013) |
Bradshaw, L., & Templin, J. (2013). Combining item response theory and diagnostic classification models: A psychometric model for scaling ability and diagnosing misconceptions. Psychometrica. |
2 |
72 A third moment adjusted test statistic for small sample factor analysis (Present by Sherry on 19Aug 2013) |
Lin, J. & Bentler, P. M. (2012). A third moment adjusted test statistic for small sample factor analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 47, 448-462. |
1 |
73 Rasch trees: A new method for detecting differential item functioning in the Rasch model (Present by Hui-Fang) |
Strobl, C., Kopf, J., & Zeileis, A. (in press). Rasch trees: A new method for detecting differential item functioning in the Rasch model. Psychometrika. |
4 |
74 Understanding choice behavior beyond ooption scaling using structure equation models (Present by Wayne on 02 Sep 2013) |
Tsi, R.-C & Bockenholt U. (2011). Understanding choice behavior beyond ooption scaling using structure equation models. Journal of Data Science, 9, 427-444. |
2 |
75 Measuring the reliability of diagnostic classification model examinee estimates (Present by Nicky on 09 Sep 2013) |
Templin, J. & Bradshaw L. (2013). Measuring the reliability of diagnostic classification model examinee estimates. Journal of Classification, 30, 251-275. |
3 |
76 Relative and absolute fit evaluation in cognitive diagnosis modeling (Present by Kuan-Yu on 23 Sep 2013) |
Chen, J., de la Torre, J., & Zhang, Z. (2013). Relative and absolute fit evaluation in cognitive diagnosis modeling. Journal of Educational Measurement, 50, 123-140. |
3 |
77 Item response modeling of paired comparison and ranking data (Present by Chen Wei on 30 Sep 2013) |
Brown, A., & Maydeu-Olivares, A. (2010). Issues that should not be overlooked in the dominance versus ideal point controversy. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 3(4), 489-493. |
1 |
78 accounting for individual differences in Bradley-Terry models by means of recursive partitioning (Present by Xue-Lan on 07 Sep 2013) |
Strobl, C., Wickelmaier, F., & Zeileis, A. (2011). Accounting for individual differences in Bradley-Terry models by means of recursive partitioning. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 36, 135-153. |
1 |
79 Evaluating the equal-interval hypothesis with test score scales (Present by Jacob on Oct21 2013) |
Domingue, B. (2013). Evaluating the equal-interval hypothesis with test score scales. Psychometrika. |
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80 Testing for two-way interaction in the multigroup common factor model (Present by Sherry on 28 Oct 2013) |
van Smeden, M. & Hessen, D. J. (2013). Testing for two-way interaction in the multigroup common factor model. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 20, 98-107. |
4 |
81 A Two-Decision Model for Responses to Likert-Type Items (Present by Wayne on 04 Nov 2013) |
Thissen-Roe, A., & Thissen D. (2013). A two-decision model for response to Likert-type items. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 38, 522-547. |
2 |
82 The Effect of Differential Item Functioning in Anchor Items on Population invariance of equating (Present by Hui-Fang on 11Nov2013) |
Huggins, A. C. (2013). The effect of differential item functioning in anchor items on population invariance of equating. Educational and Psychological Measurement. |
2 |
83 mutual information item selection method in cognitive diagnostic computerized adaptive testing with short test length (Present by Nicky on 18 Nov 2013) |
Wang, C. (2013). Mutual information item selection method in cognitive diagnostic computerized adaptive testing with short test length. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73, 1017-1035. |
1 |
84 Dealing with omitted and not-reached items in competence tests: Evaluating approaches accounting for missing responses in item response theory models (Present by Kuan-Yu on 25 Nov 2013) |
Pohl, S., Grafe L., & Rose N. (2013). Dearling with omitted and not-reached items in competence tests: Evaluating approaches accounting for missing responses in item response theory models. Educational and psychological Measurement. |
2 |
85 Estimating Independent Locally Shifted Random Utility Models for Ranking Data (Present by Chen-Wei on 02 Dec 2013) |
Lam, K. Y., Koning, A. J., & Franses P. H. (2011). Estimating independent locally shifted random utility models for ranking data. Multivariate Behavior Research, 46, 756-778. |
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86 Anchor selection strategies for DIF analysis: Review, assessment, and new approaches (Present by Xue-Lan on 09 Dec 2013) |
Kopf, J., Zeileis, A., & Strobl C. (2013). Anchor selection strategies for DIF analysis: Review, assessment, and new approaches. |
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87 A comparison of three IRT approaches to examinee ability change modeling in a single-group anchor test design (Present by Jacob on 16 Jan 2013) |
Paek, I., Park, H., Cai, L., & Chi, E. (2013). A comparison of three IRT approaches to examinee ability change modeling in a single-group anchor test design. Educational and Psychological Measurement. |
0 |
88 Modeling viewpoint shifts in probabilistic choice (Present by Wayne on 23 Jan 2014) |
Okubo, T., & Mayekawa, S.-I. (2013). Modeling viewpoint shifts in probabilistic choice. Psychometrika. |
1 |
89 Modeling Differential Item Functioning Using a Generalization of the Multiple-Group Bifactor Model (Present by Hui-Fang on 13 Feb 2014) |
Jeon, M., Rijmen F., & Rabe-Hesketh S. (2012). Modeling differential item functioning using a generalization of the multiple-group bifactor model. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. |
1 |
90 Modeling item position effects within an IRT framework (Present by Nicky on 20 Feb 2014) |
Debeer, D. & Janssen R. (2013). Modeling item position effects within an IRT framework. Journal of Educational Measurement, 50, 164-185. |
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91 Investigating Faking Using a Multilevel Logistic Regression Approach to Measuring person Fit (Present by Kuan-Yu on 27 Feb 2014) |
LaHuis, D. M. & Copeland, D. (2009). Investigating Faking Using a Multilevel Logistic Regression Approach to Measuring person Fit. Organizational Research Methods, 12, 296-319. |
2 |
92 data driven sensitivity analysis to detect missing data mechanism with application to structural equation modelling (Present by Chen Wei on 06 March 2014) |
Jamshidian M. & Yuan, K.-H. (2013). Data-driven sensitivity analysis to detect missing data mechanism with application to structural equation modelling. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 83, 1344-1362. |
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93 A test for cluster bias: Detecting violations of measurement invariance across clusters in multilevel data (Present by Xue-Lan on 13 March 2014) |
Jak, S., Oort, F. J., Dolan, C. V. (2013). A test for cluster bias: Detecting violations of measurement invariance across clusters in multilevel data. Structural Equation Modeling: A multidisciplinary Journal, 20, 265-282. |
1 |
94 Effects of item parameter drift on vertical scaling with the nonequivalent groups with anchor test (NEAT) design (Present by Jacob on 20 March 2014) |
Ye, M. & Xin, T. (2014). Effects of item parameter drift on vertical scaling with the nonequivalent groups with anchor test (NEAT) design. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 74, 227-235. |
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95 the consequence of ignoring variability in measurement occasions within data collection in latent growth models present by Sherry on 17 April 2014 |
Aydin, B., Leite, W. L., & Algina, J. (2014). The consequence of ignoring variability in measurement occasions within data collection waves in latent growth models. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 49, 149-160. |
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96 Measuring response styles across the Big Five: A multiscale extension of an approch using multinomial processing trees present by Hui-Fang |
Khorramdel, L. & von Davier M. (2014). Measuring response styles across the Big Five: A multiscale extension of an approch using multinomial processing trees. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 49, 161-177. |
1 |
97 Rasch scale stability in the presence of item parameter and trait drift present by Wayne on 08 May 2014 |
Babcock, B. & Albano A. (2012). Rasch scale stability in the presence of item parameter and trait drift. Applied Psychological Measurement, 36, 565-580. |
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