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ARC Laboratory Sharing
ARC Laboratory Sharing
30 MCAT (present by Chen-Wei)
30 MCAT (present by Chen-Wei)
Please post your review here.
话题列表。显示 10 /10个话题
Connie's review
HSU Chia Ling
24 Jul 2012
HSU Chia Ling
24 Jul 2012
25 Jul 2012
25 Jul 2012
Hui-Fang's comments
CHEN Hui Fang
24 Jul 2012
CHEN Hui Fang
24 Jul 2012
Jacob's Review
XU Kun, Jacob
24 Jul 2012
XU Kun, Jacob
24 Jul 2012
Kuan-Yu's comment
JIN Kuan Yu
24 Jul 2012
JIN Kuan Yu
24 Jul 2012
24 Jul 2012
24 Jul 2012
Sandy's review
HUANG Sheng Yun
24 Jul 2012
HUANG Sheng Yun
24 Jul 2012
sherry's review
ZHONG Xiaoling
25 Jul 2012
ZHONG Xiaoling
25 Jul 2012
Wayne's comment
CHEN Chia Wen
25 Jul 2012
CHEN Chia Wen
25 Jul 2012
Xue-Lan's review
QIU Xuelan
25 Jul 2012
QIU Xuelan
25 Jul 2012
◄ 29 A comparison fo methods for estimating confidence intervals for Omega-Squared effect size (present by Nicky)
01 Rasch Guessing(Present by Jacob)
02 Measurement Invariance (present by Sherry)
03 MIMIC model for nonuniform DIF(Present by Xiaoxue)
04 Spurious Latent Classes(Present by Kuan-Yu)
05 Estimation subdimensions (present by Joseph)
06 DIF-Free-Then-DIF strategy (Present by Xuelan)
07 New Stopping Rule for CAT (Present by Sandy)
08 Restrictive Stochastic item selection methods in CD-CAT (present by Connie)
09 IRT for force choice items (present by Chenwei)
10 Attibute misspcification in the rule space method (Present by Nicky)
11 Algorithm for testing unidimensionality (Present by Jacob)
12 Performance of multilevel growth curve models (Present by Sherry)
13 Robust estimation of latent abiltiy in IRT (Present by Xiaoxue)
14 Effect of ignore class-level variance (Present by Wayne)
15 Comparision of reliability under FA and IRT (Present by Jensen)
16 Psychological Distance between categories (Present by Kuan Yu)
Book: An introduction to the logic of Psychological Measurement
17 Dimensionality assessment of ordered polytomous items with parallel analysis (Present by Chenwei)
18 Item selection in multidimensional computerized adaptive testing (Present by Nicky)
19 Multiscale Measurement of Extreme Response Style (Present by Jacob)
20 Variable-length CAT (present by Connie)
21 Selecting the best unbalanced repeated measures model (present by Sherry)
22 Cognitive-miser response model (Present by Sandy)
23 Explanatory Secondary Dimension Modeling of Latent DIF (Present by Xuelan)
24 Multilevel testlet model for dual local dependence (present by Xiaoxue)
25 Examining Rounding Rules in Angoff-Type Standard-Setting Methods (Present by Wayne)
26 Nonlinear Growth Curves in Developmental Research (Present by Hui-Fang)
27 Hierarchical Rater Model (Present by Kuan-Yu)
28 Can subject matter experts' ratings of statement extremity be used to streamline the development of unidimensional pairwise preference scales? (Present by Wayne)
29 A comparison fo methods for estimating confidence intervals for Omega-Squared effect size (present by Nicky)
31 Calibration of response data using MIRT models with simple and mixed structure (Present by Jacob)
32 a hierarchical framework for modeling speed and accuracy on test items (Present by Xuelan)
33 The impact of missing data on the detection of nonuniform DIF (Present by Sandy)
A mixture Rasch model-based computerized adaptive test for latent class identification (Present by Connie)
35 Characterizing sources of uncertainty in item response theory scale scores (Present by Sherry)
36 Exploring the Full-Information Bifactor Model in Vertical Scaling With Construct Shift (Present by Snow)
37 Effects of vertical scaling methods on linear growth estimation
38 Dimensionality of the latent structure and item selection via latent class multidimensional IRT models (Present by Wayne)
38 Recognizing uncertainty in the Q-matrix via a Bayesian extension of the DINA model (Present by Nicky)
39 Item Response Modeling of Presence-Severity Items: Application to Measurement of Patient-Reported Outcomes (Present by Sandy)
40 Data-Driven Learning of Q-Matrix (Present by Connie)
41 How much power and speed is measured in this test (Present by Kuan-Yu)
42 Modeling Achievement Trajectories When Attrition Is Informative (Present by Xue-Lan)
43 Modeling Answer changes on test items (present by Chen Wei)
44 How should we assess the fit of Rasch-type models? (Present by Jacob)
45 Adaptive testing with multidimensional pairwise preference items (Present by Wayne)
46 Using logistic approximations of marginal trace lines to develop short assessment (Present by Hui-Fang)
47 Latent Class Modeling with Covariates (Present by Sherry)
48 Multidimensionality and Structural Coefficient Bias in Structural Equation Modeling (Present by Snow)
49 A nonparametric approach to cognitive diagnosis proximity to ideal response patterns (Presey by Nicky)
50 The Stability of Individual Response Styles (Present by Kuan-Yu)
51 Deriving stopping rules for MCAT (present by Chen Wei)
52 Detecting intervention effects using a multilevel latent transition analysis with a mixture IRT model (Present by Xue-Lan)
53 Effects of multiple testing adjustment in DIF detection (Present by Jacob)
54 Measurement Bias Detection Through Factor Analysis (Present by Sherry)
55 Testing factorial invariance in multilevel data: A mote carlo study (Present by Hui-Fang on 04Mar2013))
56 Two approaches to estimation of classification accuracy rate under IRT (Present by Snow on 11Mar2013)
57 Optimal Test Design with rule-based item generation (Present by Wayne on 18Mar2013))
58 A multicompnent latent trait model for diagnosis (Present by Nicky on 25 March2013)
59 Can fast and slow intelligence be differentiated? (Present by Kuan Yu on 08 April 2013)
60 A Procedure for Dimensionality Analyses of Response Data from Various Test Designs (Present by Chen-Wei on 15 Apri2013)
61 Multidimensional adaptive testing with optimal design criteria for item selection (Present by Xue-Lan on 22Apri2013)
62 Comparing optimization algorithms for item selection in mokken scale analysis (Present by Jacob on 06May2013)
63 Assessment of Reliability Under Range Restriction (Present by Sherry on 13May2013)
64 A comparison of exposure control procedure in CATs using the 3PL model (Present by Hui-Fang on 20May2013)
65 Using the Many-Faceted Rasch Model to Evaluate Standard Setting Judgments (Present by Snow on 27May 2013)
66 A speeded item response model: Leave the harder till later (Present by Wayne on 3June 2013)
67 The random-effect DINA model (Present by Nicky on 10June 2013)
69 Item Pocket Method to Allow Response Review and Change in Computerized Adaptive Testing (Present by Chen-Wei on 24June 2013)
70 Using deterministic, gated item response theory model to detect test cheating due to item compromise (Present by Xue-Lan on 15 July)
71 Combining item response theory and diagnostic classification models (Present by Jacob on 12 August2013)
72 A third moment adjusted test statistic for small sample factor analysis (Present by Sherry on 19Aug 2013)
73 Rasch trees: A new method for detecting differential item functioning in the Rasch model (Present by Hui-Fang)
74 Understanding choice behavior beyond ooption scaling using structure equation models (Present by Wayne on 02 Sep 2013)
75 Measuring the reliability of diagnostic classification model examinee estimates (Present by Nicky on 09 Sep 2013)
76 Relative and absolute fit evaluation in cognitive diagnosis modeling (Present by Kuan-Yu on 23 Sep 2013)
77 Item response modeling of paired comparison and ranking data (Present by Chen Wei on 30 Sep 2013)
78 accounting for individual differences in Bradley-Terry models by means of recursive partitioning (Present by Xue-Lan on 07 Sep 2013)
79 Evaluating the equal-interval hypothesis with test score scales (Present by Jacob on Oct21 2013)
80 Testing for two-way interaction in the multigroup common factor model (Present by Sherry on 28 Oct 2013)
81 A Two-Decision Model for Responses to Likert-Type Items (Present by Wayne on 04 Nov 2013)
82 The Effect of Differential Item Functioning in Anchor Items on Population invariance of equating (Present by Hui-Fang on 11Nov2013)
83 mutual information item selection method in cognitive diagnostic computerized adaptive testing with short test length (Present by Nicky on 18 Nov 2013)
84 Dealing with omitted and not-reached items in competence tests: Evaluating approaches accounting for missing responses in item response theory models (Present by Kuan-Yu on 25 Nov 2013)
85 Estimating Independent Locally Shifted Random Utility Models for Ranking Data (Present by Chen-Wei on 02 Dec 2013)
86 Anchor selection strategies for DIF analysis: Review, assessment, and new approaches (Present by Xue-Lan on 09 Dec 2013)
87 A comparison of three IRT approaches to examinee ability change modeling in a single-group anchor test design (Present by Jacob on 16 Jan 2013)
88 Modeling viewpoint shifts in probabilistic choice (Present by Wayne on 23 Jan 2014)
89 Modeling Differential Item Functioning Using a Generalization of the Multiple-Group Bifactor Model (Present by Hui-Fang on 13 Feb 2014)
90 Modeling item position effects within an IRT framework (Present by Nicky on 20 Feb 2014)
91 Investigating Faking Using a Multilevel Logistic Regression Approach to Measuring person Fit (Present by Kuan-Yu on 27 Feb 2014)
92 data driven sensitivity analysis to detect missing data mechanism with application to structural equation modelling (Present by Chen Wei on 06 March 2014)
93 A test for cluster bias: Detecting violations of measurement invariance across clusters in multilevel data (Present by Xue-Lan on 13 March 2014)
94 Effects of item parameter drift on vertical scaling with the nonequivalent groups with anchor test (NEAT) design (Present by Jacob on 20 March 2014)
95 the consequence of ignoring variability in measurement occasions within data collection in latent growth models present by Sherry on 17 April 2014
96 Measuring response styles across the Big Five: A multiscale extension of an approch using multinomial processing trees present by Hui-Fang
97 Rasch scale stability in the presence of item parameter and trait drift present by Wayne on 08 May 2014
Xuelan's readings and review
Sandy's readings and review
Connie's readings and review
Kuan Yu's readings and review
Chen Wei's readings and review
Jacob's readings and review
Sherry's readings and review
Nicky's readings and review
Joseph's reading and review
Xiaoxue's reading and review
31 Calibration of response data using MIRT models with simple and mixed structure (Present by Jacob) ►