09 IRT for force choice items (present by Chenwei)

xiaoxue‘s review

xiaoxue‘s review

Number of replies: 1

Item Response Modeling of Forced-Choice Questionnaires

ModelA multidimensional IRT model based on Thurstone’s framework for comparative data is introduced

Proper DataAny forced-choice questionnaire composed of items fitting the dominance response model, with any number of measured traits, and any block sizes.


The first thought occurred in my mind is that the model is very useful for social investigation which usually adopts multidimensional forced-choice format questionnaire. Typically for this kind of data, researchers will only use frequency to describe the nature of the data.

The steps are summarized as follows:

Firstly, the response of the item should be transformed into binary data.

Secondly, the Thurstonian IRT Model reparameterized by the Thurstonian factor model is used for model construction. The identification of the model is that imposing a constraint among the uniquenesses within each block. (The model is identified simply by imposing a constraint among the uniquenesses within each block. This general identification rule is valid in all but two special cases: (a) when n = 2 and d > 2 (i.e., items presented in pairs measuring more than 2 traits) and (b) when d = n =2 (only two traits are measured using pairs of items).

Thirdly, Mplus using the DWLS estimator is used for estimating the parameters of the model.

Two simulation studies and one empirical study were used to demonstrate the performance of the model.

The feeling about this paper is a bit complicated. It seems no place that you can’t understand. However to understand it thoroughly, the mathematic foundation is needed, for example, the source of the formulations and its deduction. The most difficult process may be the simulation of the data and conditions. How to simulate this kind of data and analyze the data?


Re: xiaoxue‘s review

Generate the "true" item parameters as shown in Table 1. Then generate the "true" latent traits for each person. Following the formula (15), you can calculate the response function. Getting the probability values in hand, compare every probability to an new uniform random number to generate an observable pairwise response. Repeat it for each probability in turn, you are going to finish the task. As for estimation, I am not familiar with Mplus. But I'll give it a try.